Lightmark= amazing pictures

Amazing pics, uh?
Lightmark is a project made by Cenci Goepel and Jens Warnecke.

But who are they ?

We are a couple of two persons who like to be outdoors. That’s where we met, that’s where we started to work and that’s where we’ll continue to be. When we met, Cenci was a painter and Jens was engaged in filming, editing and animation: maybe photography was somehow in between.

Why do they create?

We like the process and we like the results. It’s as simple as that. Once we started to figure out that there is more light in the dark than we thought, we wanted to see more of it. So we continued to take pictures at night.

Is the world becoming a better place through culture and fine arts? Yes, we believe so very strongly. But we can’t claim honestly that that’s why we do what we do.

Visit their WEBSITE !

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